Prof. Dr. Andreas Papassotiropoulos
Co-Director Research Platform MCN
Director Division of Molecular Neuroscience
Phone +41 61 207 05 99
University of Basel
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Biomedicine
Birmannsgasse 8
4055 Basel
Andreas Papassotiropoulos is board certified psychiatrist and psychotherapist and, since 2007, full Professor of Molecular Neurosciences at the University of Basel, Switzerland. His areas of expertise include the investigation of the molecular basis of human cognition and the development of improved therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders. His research combines targeted and genome-wide genetic, epigenetic and transcriptomic analyses with functional brain imaging in healthy and diseased human populations. He is recipient of numerous honors and awards, amongst others the Robert-Bing-Prize, The Weizmann Lecture, and the Cloetta Prize.