Prof. Dr. Dominique de Quervain
Co-Director Research Platform MCN
Director Division of Cognitive Neuroscience
Phone +41 61 207 02 37
University of Basel
Faculty of Medicine
Departement of Biomedicine
Birmannsgasse 8
4055 Basel
Dominique de Quervain is a full Professor at Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel. He is interested in the effects of stress and stress hormones on memory in health and disease. His group pioneered the translation of basic findings to patients with PTSD and phobias. Furthermore, together with Andreas Papassotiropoulos, Dominique works on the identification of the genetic underpinnings of human memory and on the identification of novel drug targets. More recently, he has also become interested in the use of cutting-edge technologies such as VR and AR to treat psychiatric conditions. He is recipient of numerous honors and awards, amongst others the Pfizer Prize, the Robert-Bing-Prize, and the Cloetta Prize.